サービス学会では、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンに関する基本理念と基本方針(案)を作成しました(2024年2月6日 理事会承認)。その後、原案に対して学会員の皆様からの意見を募り、正式版を公開するとともに英語版を作成致しました。本基本理念と基本方針は、学会が今後取り組む諸活動に反映して参ります。
The Society for Serviceology (hereinafter referred to as "the Society") is committed to respecting the dignity and diversity of all individuals involved with the Society and promoting diversity and inclusion in pursuit of building "academics for society." The services that are the subject of the Society's research encompass diverse individuals with unique characteristics such as nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, creed, origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. These diverse characteristics are essential assets for the advancement of service research. Discrimination against or prejudice towards individuals with different characteristics, or setting constraints that promote such attitudes, not only hinders service research but also threatens the existence of individuals, and such actions can never be tolerated. The Society aims for researchers from various fields involved in services to respect each other, embrace diverse characteristics, and advance service research.