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宮脇 靖典
Vol.8, No.3, pp.1-6, 2024.8
ABSTRACT: In this study, we focus on projects that can be seen as a practice from the viewpoint of resource integration in S-D Logic. We attempted to connect research on S-D Logic and regional revitalization. Specifically, the three keys to increasing the availability of local resources were clarified through an interview with the founder of the SEKAI HOTEL project, which attempts to transform the town as it is into a tourism resource by sharing the worldview that "The whole town has the function of a hotel".
Keywords: Resource integration, Service-Dominant Logic, Resourceness, Resource density
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本田 路子, 嶋田 敏
Vol.8, No.2, pp.1-11, 2024.4
ABSTRACT: The determinant of corporate value has shifted to intangible assets (non-financial capital) and especially, labor intensive service companies in Japan are expected to actively utilize non-financial capital to improve labor productivity. The purpose of this research is to extract non-financial capital (strategic resources), based on the IIRC classification, that can affect sustainable growth. Through SCAT analysis of interviews with the managers of three hotels, it recognized that the strategic resources that support the sustainable growth of hotel companies are the acquisition, maintenance, and development of loyal customers (social and relationship capital). In addition, we found the employees (human capital) who treat the touch point with customers are affected by corporate culture and know-how (intellectual capital), customers, employees' families, communities (social and relationship capital) and hotel facilities and equipment (manufactured capital). The KPIs that were commonly used in the hotel industry to measure performance were insufficient for visualizing the story of monetization of strategic resources, so we proposed some new KPIs.
Keywords: Intangible asset, Non-financial capital, Hotel management, Service capability
下坂 光
Vol.8, No.2, pp.12-22, 2024.4
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine how customers' active behavior in online services affects their perceived service quality. To this end, we focus on online learning, which has been popularized by COVID-19, to examine the effects of customers' active learning behavior. In this study, we use self-regulated learning theory as the theoretical basis for customers' active behavior in learning contexts and conduct two studies. Study1, we conduct an online experiment of a short one-on-one online lesson between the instructor as a service provider and the student as a customer. Study2, we conduct a survey of collaborative learning in groups over several days. The results show that customers' active learning behavior improves their perceived service quality and that customers' efficacy beliefs are related to the effects. In other words, the results show that customers' active learning behavior improves their service evaluations in online services with unstructured service processes that are difficult to organizational socialization. Finally, we discuss the contributions and limitations of this study.
Keywords: Service quality, Online service, Customer participation, Self-regulated learning, Self-efficacy
藤岡 昌則
Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-10, 2024.6
ABSTRACT: As a practical example of servicing gas turbine power generation equipment at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, we will introduce a case in which the company overcame the service paradox, which is an issue in servicing the manufacturing industry, and improved the service ratio as a percentage of sales. We will also discuss how technology developments are underway to replace existing fossil fuel supply chains with hydrogen supply chains to reduce resource consumption and foster economic growth. Practical results suggest that Sarasvathy's ``bird-in-hand principle'' and ``crazy-quilt principle'' in the effectuation were effective. In order to maintain effectiveness, it is important to create an environment that alleviates friction between organizations, and informal organizations should be controlled. It is believed that servicing the manufacturing industry will contribute to decarbonization, and at the same time, by replacing existing product systems, it will be possible to expand the service space while suppressing resource consumption.
Keywords: Servitization, PSS, Service Paradox, Effectuation, Circular Economy
上元 亘
Vol.7, No.2, pp.7-16, 2023.11
ABSTRACT: Customer's altruistic behaviors toward service providers often lead to negative impacts in services marketing studies. Prior researches did not show what determines a customer's unwelcome altruistic behavior. The Modified Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA) by depth interviews for both employees and customers in restaurant, retail, and hotel industry revealed six categories and twelve concepts that can influence a customer's unwelcome altruistic behavior. The results show three major findings; first, customer's unwelcome altruistic behaviors toward service employees can derive from customer's self-interest. Second, customer's unwelcome altruistic behaviors toward service employees were influenced by various factors such as the customers themselves, the employees, the system, or from the servicescape. Third, the significant concepts such as customer routines and limited resources that have not been much discussed in prior services marketing studies were exploited.
Keywords: Unwelcome altruistic behaviour, Servicescape, Customer routine, Knowledge gap
重野 悟, 松井 実
Vol.7, No.2, pp.1-6, 2023.6
ABSTRACT: Retention rates for Delayed-effect services, i.e., services that require a certain period of continuous engagement before their values kick in, are generally low. To address this problem, we examined whether boosting users' self-efficacy leads to a higher retention rate throughout the iterations of Tai Chi training, a typical example of a delaying service, by stimulating four sources of information of self-efficacy: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Participants in the experimental group showed greater self-efficacy compared to those in the control group. To our surprise, though, improving users' self-efficacy harmed their retention rate. Therefore, we argue that maintaining the outcome expectations is important to maintain the retention rate. Further analyses through the lenses of extended fields, e.g., cognitive science, kinesiology, and social science, are needed to better understand and improve this outcome so that we familiarize health exercises that usually suffer from poor retention rates without external guidance.
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Outcome expectations, Efficacy expectations, Delayed-effect services
河野 瑞樹, 石垣 司
Vol.7, No.1, pp.1-9, 2023.6
ABSTRACT: In recent years, the environment surrounding the international music business has been changing rapidly. In order to succeed in the international music distribution business, it is necessary to understand the heterogeneity of music preferences among nations. In this paper, we investigate music preferences in five countries: the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan by using big data from music streaming services. We employ quantitative music features, which are different from qualitative approaches, to find differences in music preferences of the top 200 best-selling songs for the five countries from 2017 to 2020. The differences among the five countries are visualized using the INDSCAL method, which is a kind of multidimensional scaling method. The empirical relative frequency distributions of the features of music consumed in each country were constructed as feature vectors and applied to the INDSCAL method. As a result, it was found that (i) the music preferences of the five countries are heterogeneous in terms of music features, (ii) the UK has average music preferences, (iii) Japan and the other four countries have different music preferences, and (iv) France and the other four countries also have different music preferences. The results can be applied to the realization of better music recommendation systems and marketing in the music business.
Keywords: Music streaming service, Visualization, Dimension reduction, Music retrieval
徳久 悟, 森本 哲郎
Vol.7, No.1, pp.10-24, 2023.8
ABSTRACT: Most of the existing service design frameworks focus on the process from discovering design opportunities to design, but don't support implementation. In this paper, we propose a service design framework that addresses the division between design and implementation in the design process. This framework has the following features: introduction of UML, introduction of various original tools, and integration of various tools. After designing the framework with these features, we held a series of workshops to develop a service for a nursing home. Based on the results, we verified the three features and confirmed their usefulness.
Keywords: Service design, Service system, Framework, UML, Service robot
杉山 大輔, 成瀬 博, 和田 典子
Vol.6, No.4, pp.1-6, 2022.11
ABSTRACT: What kind of activities are needed to enrich a vibrant senior life in the age of 100 years of life? In order to deal with this critical issue, it is crucial to systematically design new services for promoting activities in each life stage from the young age to senior. This paper attempts to clarify effective value elements necessary for designing services in response to this latest social issue. Through a qualitative survey of active senior and middle-age businessman, we extracted the value components and structure of the service model that make up sustainable well-being. That is, the vertical relationship (self-expansion by acquiring knowledge), the horizontal relationship (comfortable place with sympathetic relationship), and the internal relationship with self (introspection and self-affirmation). As this paper depends on very limited cases, it is necessary to examine more diversified lifestyle, business patterns, and location, to make concrete service models in each life stages, in future research.
Keywords: Well-being, the Third Place, Life stage, Service design, Sustainability
坂間 十和子
Vol.6, No.3, pp.1-6, 2022.3
ABSTRACT: IoT in servitization is paid attention from researchers and practitioners. This article focuses on "a servitization company specialized in IoT" that focuses on the process of interacting with customers, assuming that it will generate revenue from IoT business by combining its own IoT devices and services from its inception. The aim of this article is to clarify the dynamic capability that is utilized by a servitization company specialized in IoT. The case study of a Japanese servitization company is used. This article showed services that a servitization company specialized in IoT provides. This article found that dynamic capabilities that are needed to be a servitization company specialized in IoT include three factors; (1) sensing opportunities and threats, as well as the need to change; (2) seizing the opportunities sensed and fending off threats; (3) and reconfiguring operational capabilities to maintain competitiveness. This article proposes the theoretical implications for servitization research and the managerial suggestions for companies that try to become new servitization companies.
Keywords: Servitization, Dynamic capability, Service innovation
松木 知徳
Vol.6, No.2, pp.13-28, 2022.7
ABSTRACT: Many non-regular employees have filled the gap of workload between peak and slow period. In a labor-intensive business, it is necessary to develop business strategies from both human resource and marketing perspectives. However, it is difficult to compare the effectiveness of two measures with different time axes. In this paper, the author designed a model for predicting the impact of human resource and marketing policy on the business performance at a call center referring to the Service profit chain theory. The model is applied to simulation using the system dynamics (SD) method which analyses chronological changes in multiple factors. In order to create a fictitious model of the call center for healthcare food, the author made three call center cases with different human resources and marketing policies. Then, expected results of measures were compared by a simulation software using differential equations. Finally, the model and simulation were presented to a business officer of a call center company, and they were verified with his feedbacks on the validity and usefulness of this model.
Keywords: System dynamics, Call center, Service profit chain, Simulation
Vol.6, No.2, pp.29-42, 2022.8
ABSTRACT: Although some service providers, like public and subscription services, are not vulnerable to changing consumer behavior, continuous usage of services by consumers present a considerable problem for them. It is argued that reminders may induce consumers to reduce service usage without reducing the initial non-monetary motivation: prior empirical studies validate the contribution of reminders in supporting consumers’ initial motivation and maintaining their service usage habits. However, these studies are inconclusive on how consumers react to reminders, and what is the optimal timing of sending reminders. Sending too many reminders can become costly, and may irritate consumers due to over-intervention. In this research, we extended an experimental utility model to examine the effect of reminders under satiation and habituation. Furthermore, we conducted simulations and found that, in many cases, especially at low levels of satiation, concentrated reminders in the very first period are optimal.
Keywords: Service continuous use, Reminder, Intrinstic motivation
蔵田 武志, 一刈 良介, 飯野 なみ, 小林 吉之, 江渡 浩一郎, 西村 拓一
Vol.6, No.2, pp.1-12, 2022.1
ABSTRACT: Due to the corona disaster, many collaborative activities including academic events have been held online. The purpose of this study is to contribute to serviceology by summarizing the findings on online academic events and the online interaction platforms (OIPs) as their service encounters. In this paper, we first outline how each OIP, such as Zoom, oVice, and Slack, was chosen in three online academic events, which we actually operated, in terms of the interaction manner of each session. After reporting on the OIP log analysis and questionnaires, we discuss the comparison between on-site venues and the OIPs as well as the usage barriers and social acceptance of the OIPs. The findings include (1) the functions that OIPs should provide especially in peripheral states of interaction process, such as "seeping out" of the lively atmosphere, "looking around and listening in" in poster sessions, and "spontaneous interaction among participants," have more than minor impacts on the evaluation of OIPs, (2) the degree of acceptance of OIPs depends on the balance of various factors such as usage barriers, maturity, familiarity, accessibility, and risks, in addition to the various values provided for synchronous and asynchronous interactions, etc.
Keywords: Online academic event, Online interaction platform, Post-corona society, Case study
米山 小百合,石垣 司
Vol.6, No.1, pp.10-17, 2022.7
ABSTRACT: The construal level theory explains a decision making process of consumer's choice behavior. However, since most of the existing studies are validated using data sets observed in laboratory experiments, there is insufficient discussion on the effectiveness of the findings revealed in the existing studies in real services. In this paper, we conduct an empirical analysis of construal level theory for individual consumers' price responses using purchase history data on retail stores. We use a hierarchical Bayesian multinomial logit model to analyze the relationship between the construal level and the price response of brand choice. The results show that some knowledge about consumer behavior and construal levels can be extracted by using purchase history data without any experimental design in actual retail stores.
Keywords: Retail service, Purchase history data, Consumer heterogeneity, Bayesian modelling
緒方 啓史, 木見田 康治
Vol.6, No.1, pp.1-9, 2022.6
ABSTRACT: This study aims to evaluate design department's capabilities for servitization based on the "Servitization Maturity Model". To do so, first, we identified design processes that were performed by the design department. Then, we compared these design processes to capabilities proposed in the Servitization Maturity Model, and could associate design processes with 21 out of 46 capabilities required for servitization. Finally, based on the result, plans for improving processes were developed, and we created four new ones. Furthermore, we proposed a flow map that represents the relationship between design processes and capabilities for servitization, aiming to accumulate knowledge on design activities as well as to share them between the design and other departments.
Keywords: Servitization, Product Service System, Capabilities, Design process
宮脇 靖典
Vol.5, No.4, pp.1-11, 2021.10
ABSTRACT: This research pays attention to the case where the abandoned ruins play a role of reversing tourism resources from negative regional assets in considering the solution of the problem brought to us by the ease of tourism resource utilization including overtourism. As a result, it is clear that third party with multiple specialities works effectively in order to overcome problems due to resource subjectivity and guest and stakeholder problems that do not fit into the binary discussion framework of host and guest, using the Tourism Resource Utilization Process (Morishige[2012]) as a framework for analysis.
Keywords: Tourism Resource Utilization Process, Host and guest, Third party function
中村 孝太郎,坂本 英之, Dejan Krizaj
Vol.5, No.4, pp.12-24, 2021.12
ABSTRACT: Applying networking and connectivity to empower human resources and infrastructure towards the formation of sustainable regional service ecosystems is becoming increasingly important for well-being of people within and outside society to meet social challenges. However, the concepts of smart city (SC) for residents/citizens and smart tourism destination (STD) for visitors/tourists are not yet well coordinated. Therefore, this research provides a framework for regional innovation through “smartization”, which is common to both SC and STD. The framework is constructed from the perspective of the service ecosystem and applied by analysis of four case studies: two representative smart city projects (“urban policy”-directed type) (Toyama and Aizu-Wakamatsu), and two advanced tourism projects (“resource integration”-directed type) in Japan and Slovenia. Based on these examples, the framework clarifies the macro aspects of human resources and infrastructure’s roles with data platform and presents a smartization model with service layers and dynamic spiral through integrating to the concept of Smart Tourism City (STC): a city that aims to improve/create QoL (quality of life) and QoE (quality of experience) for citizens and tourists. It is expected that further STC-concept-based research towards building the quantitative model will lead to concrete insights into the typology of holistic servitisation of each city or region.
Keywords: Smart city, Smart tourism destination, Infrastructure, Human resource, Service ecosystem
須賀 涼太, 南 知惠子
Vol.5, No.3, pp.1-12, 2021.10
ABSTRACT: This study aims to clarify how the advanced use of ICT promotes the degree of servitization of manufacturing. In the research on servitization, the role of ICT has been considered as an enabler in combination with other factors. Prior studies identified the following issues relating to ICT use: (1) lack of discussion of service capability in the context of ICT use, (2) challenges in identifying the moderating effects of ICT, and (3) problems regarding the measurement of servitization. The current research focused on these issues and conducted an empirical study targeting manufacturing companies (machinery, electrical equipment, precision equipment, and transportation equipment industry). The data were collected from the investor relations information of 117 firms, and the level of servitization and the degree of ICT use were operationalized for the empirical study. We employed ordered logistic regression analysis. The results reveal the moderating effect of ICT use on the relationship between service capability and the degree of servitization. This study contributes to the field of servitization research by identifying the relationship between the level of servitization and service capability, the advanced use of ICT, and other managerial factors.
Keywords: Servitization, ICT, Service Capability, Service Orientation
三浦 玉緒
Vol.5, No.3, pp.13-25, 2021.11
ABSTRACT: Servitization in manufacturing does not necessarily succeed. In servitization, companies would not profit from services simply by expanding their services for products. The purpose of servitization is to provide new value to customers, commercialize the results, and establish performance-based service. For a company to achieve good financial results, it is important to elicit loyal customer behavior. Servitization is shifting from transactional business models to ones that establish relationships with customers. Customer values are shifting from value-in-exchange to value-in-use, and value co-creation is an important factor in increasing value-in-use. Successful cases of servitization are concentrated in B2B situations because the relationship with customers has already been established and customer value is easily quantified. By contrast, successful servitization is difficult to realize in B2C situations. This paper proposes that customer delight generated by value co-creation leads to loyal customer behavior that benefits companies. This hypothesis is substantiated through statistical analysis of the results of a survey of car-sharing service users, which is an example of B2C in servitization. The purpose of this study is to present a method for B2C in practice to increase co-creation value in servitization and lead to loyal customer behavior that benefits companies. The method would contribute to the theoretical development of value co-creation and profitability in servitization, which implies that a performance-based service would be effective not only for B2B but also B2C in servitization.
Keywords: Servitization, Vale-in-use, Co-creation value, Customer delight
坂口 和敏, 小林 延至, 白坂 成功
Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-13, 2021.03
ABSTRACT: The Lean Startup shows that Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can create new business. However, it doesn’t show how to actually make MVP. This study shows a structured service design model based on the perspective of external and internal constraints. By utilizing the vertical and horizontal approaches, we can find out multiple viewpoints which are required to perform system design. The models show a thinking process in which external and internal constrains are alternately adjusted and a MVP that satisfies all constraints is finally identified. These are able to explain pivot based inheritance of MVP.
Keywords: Service design, Service Creation, System Design, Constraint, MVP, Pivot
代田 淳平, 嶋崎 七美, 西 康晴
Vol.5, No.2, pp.14-30, 2021.12
ABSTRACT: Service industry is growing rapidly and widely in the world. Service processes should be essentially improved to increase emotional value of guests. This research proposes the methodology of service process improvement focusing on guest's emotion. First this paper proposes a service process model with correspondent fluctuation of guest's emotion. We second show several process patterns to reuse good service knowledge. Steps and examples of process improvement are introduced. Finally we compare the proposed methodology to an existing framework based on SERVQUAL. The service process improved by our method achieved a higher Net promoter score. We conclude that the proposed method is effective for service process improvement.
Keywords: Serviceology, Emotion, Service process, Pattern, Cafe service, Improvement
伊藤 裕亮, 西 康晴, 青木 美津江
Vol.5, No.2, pp.31-40, 2021.12
ABSTRACT: Prediction of complaint causes is important to prevent complaints for good service. STAMP/STPA is widely used for prediction of accident causes in hardware-based safety critical system domains. This research proposes an enhanced STAMP/STPA for prediction of complaint causes in the service domain, named Service STAMP/STPA. We expand control action of the original STAMP/STPA to social action focusing on human factors. Typical guide words are also added. Finally we compare the proposed method to the original one in a manned parking space guidance service. Our method predicted a greater number of complaint causes with higher severity. We conclude that the Service STAMP/STPA is effective for complaint prediction in the service domains.
Keywords: Service, Complaint, Complaint cause, Guide words, STAMP/STPA
陳 俊甫, 井上 祐樹
Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-13, 2021.04
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to explore the transition process of servitization. Servitization has generated a considerable body of research and industry engagement. Yet, most of the studies associated with this topic were in the descriptive approach based on case studies, and few were in the prescriptive approach based on the derivation of propositions or hypotheses by surveys. To fill this gap, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the General Machinery-Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Japan. As a result of the exploratory analysis, we extracted four factors (customer retention, organizational readiness, the commitment of servitization, and organization support). Then, we proposed five propositions related to the transition process of servitization. In helping to clarify the transition process, our findings suggest a prescriptive model deal with the complexity of servitization and emphasize the significance of exploring discontinuous changes in the process.
Keywords: Servitization, Transition process, Prescriptive approach, Dilemma of servitization, Continuous change
赤坂 文弥, 中谷 桃子
Vol.4, No.2, pp.1-12, 2020.12
ABSTRACT: Living Labs (LL) has recently attracted attention as a co-creative service design method that involves users. To make LL successful, it is important for practitioners to use not only knowledge on design methods, but also knowledge on “facilitating long-term co-creation with users”. This knowledge can be regarded as a type of the procedural knowledge, which is generally called “know-how”. However, such LL know-how is not shared and utilized among practitioners, since it is often buried in their experiences. We propose a method that combines a card tool and workshop to elicit the LL know-how and share them among practitioners. We tested the developed cards and workshop to 32 LL practitioner, and conducted questionnaires and interviews for the evaluation. Our findings indicate that the proposed cards work as triggers to elicit various LL know-how, and the workshop supports to share practice-based concrete and contextual knowledge, which are useful for practitioners.
Keywords: Living Lab, Service Design, Know-how, Design Cards, Design Practices
井上 祐樹, 竹中 毅
Vol.4, No.1, pp.1-9, 2020.4
ABSTRACT: In the recent years, various platform businesses are emerged. Part of the platform businesses are closely connected with service industry. For example, there are service intermediation platforms, payment service platforms, and servitization with product platforms. However, previous studies did not systematically investigate such service platforms. To make successful these platform businesses, platform providers must not only provide superior platforms but also develop the ecosystem with third party companies and consumers. This article aimed to systematize the types of service platform businesses and the significant factors related to platform ecosystems. First, we surveyed the three types of platform businesses (internal platforms, intermediary platforms, and platform ecosystems), which are studied in the research field of business and innovation management. Second, we discussed adaption of such platform business types for service platforms in the service industries. We classified service platform businesses into six types and described those features. Third, we considered the ways to realize platform ecosystems from service intermediary platforms. Finally, we proposed three future directions of service platform researches.
Keywords: Platform ecosystem, Two-sided markets, Service platforms, Ecosystem strategy
赤坂 文弥, 中谷 桃子, 木村 篤信
Vol.4, No.1, pp.10-17, 2020.6
ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to clarify the overview of past researches related to Service Design (SD). As an initial step to achieve this purpose, we exploratory surveyed papers that widely reviews past and current SD research. We selected the papers through the Web search using Google Scholar. On the basis of this survey, we found five academic areas that strongly influenced current SD research, such as (1) Service Marketing / Management, (2) Interaction Design, (3) Design Theory / Design Thinking, (4) Engineering Design / Service Engineering, and (5) Participatory Design / CoDesign. For each of these academic areas, we additionally surveyed specific past researches related to current SD. The papers or books investigated in this additional survey include those selected based on the results of the first survey, as well as those newly found during the process of the additional survey. As a result, we depicted a historical map of SD research. From the map, we found that, among the five academic areas that influenced SD research, some areas have been mutually affected from the past, while others have had little direct involvement so far. Based on the map, we discuss the direction of future collaborations among various approaches to SD research. Further, we also noted that the map can be used as “boundary object” to make the discussion between the research communities with low relationships more constructive, because it explains the background theory in different research communities.
Keywords: Service Design, Research, Review, Historical Map
富田 欣和
Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-12, 2019.10
ABSTRACT: Providing value to customers is important when designing services. It can be argued not only from the productivity viewpoint but also from the efficiency viewpoint. However, it was difficult to design a service to realize these two at the same time. Therefore, in this research, we developed the value co - creation framework and the basic process to improve efficiency and value - added for improving service productivity by applying the Systems Engineering methodology. In creating this framework, we integrated two heterogeneous methodologies. One is systems engineering as a top-down approach, and the other is participatory system analysis as a bottom-up approach. The framework consists of three layers: its purpose, methodology, and method.We applied the developed framework and the basic process to a new service design at company A, an IT trading company and conducted validation. The result showed that 89% of the evaluators answered that the created service was effective.
Keywords: Co-creation Value, Service productivity, Systems engineering, Participatory system analysis, Framework
野守 耕爾, 神津 友武
Vol.2, No.2, pp.1-12, 2019/01
ABSTRACT: This paper describes an approach of tourism development from tourists' perspective by analyzing tourist review data. The approach enables us to understand characteristics of regions and tourists based on sightseeing themes extracted by applying text mining and PLSA to tourist review data. This study extracted 15 themes from about 170 thousand review data on tourist spots across Japan; scenery, historical buildings, sea views, shopping areas, flowers, shrines and so on. A regional tourism marketer can quantitatively understand characteristic themes of the region and target tourists who show interest in these themes. Some regions with similar themes can get a round trip effect by cooperating to establish a tour route experiencing the theme. Some regions with different themes can get new targets by cooperating to mutually send tourists showing interests in respective themes. The approach will be useful for tourism planning and regional developments to attract and pull in more tourists.
Keywords: Tourist review data, Topic analysis, Text mining, PLSA
小谷 恵子
Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-8, 2018.10
ABSTRACT: Based on the organizational identification literature, a number of studies have posited a chain between employee-company identification, customer-company identification, and customer-company loyalty ("the chain of organizational identification"). Yet, it is expected to have another chain between professional identification, customer-professional identification, and customer-professional loyalty ("the chain of professional identification") in professional service. I conducted an online survey of 206 clients in legal services, one of the most typical types of professional services, and in-depth interviews of seven lawyers and seven clients, and examined (1) the existence of the chain of professional identification and (2) the relationship between the two chains, based on the Value Profit Chain model. The analysis revealed that the chain of professional identification is stronger than the chain of organizational identification in legal services, and the latter does not work unless the organizational identity to clients does not arise. The results show the effects and risks caused by the relationship between the two chains.
Keywords: Value Profit Chain, Professional Service, Professional Identification, Organizational Identification
広瀬 安彦
Vol.2, No.1, pp.9-13, 2018.10
ABSTRACT: Internship system which aims at developing top management of small and medium-sized enterprises, provided by the Japanese Government, is effective to get some insight for management. In order to do that, interns should realize their mission deeply in advance, and get a yardstick for improving their own enterprises through the experience.
Keywords: Top management development, small and medium-sized enterprises, intern
白肌 邦生 , ホー バック
Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-9, 2018.1
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to propose viewpoints for analysing well-being oriented value co-creation. We firstly explain the concept of transformative service research: TSR which centres on consumer well-being in service and discuss its importance in serviceology as well as service marketing. Based on the systematic literature review, this paper divided into four categories of TSR studies by using two axes of "resource scarcity and resource development" and "micro and meso-macro". We analysed two Japanese transformative service cases which include capability development in both micro and meso-macro level as the final value of service, thereby proposing additional perspectives for analysing about the resource integration for well-being oriented value co-creation.
Keywords: Transformative service research, Well-being, Resource integration, Meta resource integration
村本 徹也 , 小坂 満
Vol.1, No.1, pp.10-15, 2018.1
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we investigate a practical case of value co-creation in care services, especially those who intellectually disabled. A care service provider, L'Arche Kananoie is investigated as a successful example of value co-creation. At L'Arche Kananoie, not only users but also care workers are enjoying well-being oriented emotional value such as "a place to belong," "human growth," and "connections to society." Users and care workers also co-create practical knowledge of service operation which enables emotional value co-creation. This reciprocal value co-creation is considered unique to this provider and we examine what practices made it possible. Sharing reciprocal service vision throughout the organization and creating 'ba' that fostering value co-creation are found out to be key success factors.
Keywords: Care services, Care worker, Reciprocal value co-creation, Knowledge co-creation, Well-being